Saturday, March 22, 2008

Gretta climbs out of her crib for the first time

Gretta climbed out of her crib at home for the first time about two weeks ago. She is definitely growing up.
After she figured out how to climb out I figured that it was useless to keep the railing up so high so I lowered it and told her that she just needed to stay in her room during nap time. Over the first week I found her on the floor in many places passed out for her nap or bed time.
This picture is what I found one day when I went to check on her. I think she pulled out every toy that is in her room before she fell asleep.
The good news is now that I got the big bed in her room all ready for her to sleep in she once again prefers to sleep in the crib and actually will stay in it. All I had to do is give her another option.