Friday, October 1, 2010

Allergic to the H1N1 flu shot???

Eric, Gretta & Eliza got there flu shots on Wednesday. I had mine at work earlier. Gretta had a local reaction. She had one last year to the H1N1 shot too. I thought I took a picture of it, but couldn't find it. This years reaction is must worse than last years. The immunization nurse at the Student Health Center thinks it is the H1N1 part because she did find with her other immunizations last April. She got bruised last time, but didn't turn red and swollen. It's a good thing we didn't give her the flu mist or we might have ended up in the ER.
Gretta might have gotten her wish for now more shot for a long time. She doesn't need any immunizations until she is 11, and now I am scared to give her another flu shot.