Sunday, May 27, 2012

Blessing of Carli Grace Fors given to her by her great grandfather, George Albert Huff, May 27, 2012

Our most gracious Heavenly Father, we pause to take in our arms this precious infant to give her a name and a blessing.  We give her the name Carli Grace Fors and we ask a special blessing that she may grow to maturity and become an example of living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We ask Thee to protect her from the temptations of the world and help her to obtain a testimony of the Gospel that has been restored.  We bless her that she will have the opportunity to obtain the blessings that have been given her.

We bless her to share her testimony of the Gospel wherever she may go.  We pray a special blessing on her parents that they will protect, help and teach her the things she needs to know to be an example of the teachings of the Savior.  Please bless the home she has come to that she can learn by example of the things she needs to know and represent these teachings wherever she may go.

        This blessing we pronounce upon her through the power of the Melchisedek Priesthood that we hold, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

The priesthood holders in the blessing circle were:
Her father, Eric D. Fors
Her paternal grandfather, Dennis W. Fors
Her maternal grandfather, John Raymann Snyder
Her uncle Gabe Bartoo
Bishop Darin Everitt