Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Martin Luther King Day

It was so much fun to have a little extra time with Eric today. He took Gretta to free skate at the ice rink. They had a great time on their dad-daughter date! If we are moving to Minnesota the whole family better get better at ice skating.

Then we went to dinner and FHE at the Billeter's house. Robyn made a great dinner and Gretta and Eliza love playing with Abby.
We played a special game for FHE. It was Jeopardy all about Target and Minnesota to get ready for his up coming fly out.
Did you know that the bullseye is 97% recognizable as the Target logo. More so than the Nike "swish", or that the Common Honker is the MN state bird?
We had a great time!
Go Eric!