Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pink Eye Comes to Our House

Monday night I noticed both the girls eyes were weeping puss. Gross!!! I had some erythromycin eye drops and ointment, so I put a dose in before they went to bed. I was convinced when we woke up they would be all better. Boy was I wrong!!! Eliza woke up with her eyes swollen shut, peri-orbital cellulite's, and more puss. Gretta only had one eye who that was swollen and pussy, but she didn't look that great either.
So off to the Health Center we went. Polly Sheffield took a quick look and
said , "WOW." She was pretty concerned about Eliza's peri-orbital cellulitis. She started both Gretta and Eliza on antibiotics, and then was sweet enough to call more the next morning to make sure she was okay.
In the mean time we spent a lot of time at home on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The good news is they got better. Yeah!!!

This picture doesn't even do it justice.