Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Carli 10 months

Let's just say it is getting really hard to get a good picture of Carli because she is so active these days. 
Here's what Carli has been up to...

She has 6 teeth. Two on the top middle and four on bottom middle. 
She loves to clap.
Loves to look at books and tries to turn the pages.
Can go from siting to the floor by herself.
Army crawling or rolling to where ever she wants to go. I would say she is the best roller we've had!  (Her days of sitting quietly playing with toys in one place are over and so is my ability to take my eyes off her for more than 10 seconds at a time.)
Loves to play with her sisters.
Loves to make others smiles.
Likes to play peek a boo and laugh.
Loves to bang objects together and also drop objects on the floor. 
Loves to make her high chair rock.
Can eat cheerios, puffs and other small finger foods herself, 
and hasn't meet a baby food she doesn't like.
She is making more sounds. She likes to cough if no one is paying attention to her or grunt. She is still not making any constant sounds. Her speech therapist  Jeni, comes twice a month to work with her and teach me how to help her. 
Waiting for her pink and purple hearing aid molds to come. 
Still sleeps about 11-12 hours a night and takes 1-2 naps a day. She is supper flexible about her sleep during the day. Sometimes she wakes up and then goes right back to bed until around 10:30 am and then just takes an afternoon nap. I hate to wake her up when she is napping, but she is always happy and easy going. 
Carli is just a delight to be around and we all love her. We are so happy she came to our family.