Thursday, October 4, 2007

Mother's Helper

With fall like weather I was in the mood to make some homemade chocolate chip cookies. Gretta was excited to help with this project when she heard the work "COOKIE". She actually was really good while I put all the ingredients in the mixer. She just kept playing with the mixing cups and eating the few chocolate chips I gave her. I wish I had taken a picture of the finished project. They were really good:)


Sarah said...

I'm impressed! Wouldn't have happened with Lydia. The moment I step into the kitchen she screams, knowing that either I am busy and can't play with her, or I'm making her food and am not making it fast enough. Good job, Gretta!

Rachel said...

So cute and so grown up. How nice to have a helper that actually helped. Love the pics, keep them coming

mistyp said...

Looks like fun! Makes me want to make cookies now! Briel loves to help me!!!!