Tuesday, October 20, 2009

18 Month Photos and Check up

Eliza turned 18 months on October 17th. Which meant Sunday was her first day of nursery. Yeah!!! Gretta was so cute telling her all about it and how much fun it was going to be. She told her they have song time, story time, snack time and get to play with toys. I snapped these pictures just before church. Her first day was a success. Or I guess you could call it that. She sat on the bench in the nursery with a little tear in her eye and watched all of the other kids play. When I picked her up she was hot. I think she didn't feel well. Hopefully she didn't get any of the other kids sick. I also hope she feels better next week and can see how much fun it is.

Today I took her to Dr. Sheffield for her 18 month well child check. She is doing great. (A fun side note is that Dr. Sheffield's in laws knew my grandparents in Washington DC and my parents know her husband's older brother. It is a small world in Utah!)
Here stats are:
Weight 24 lbs 8 oz 50 % percentile
Length 32.5 inches 75% percentile
Head Circumference 47 cm 60% percentile

Eliza can...
1. Help undress herself and is a pro at taking off her diaper.
2. Understand simple directions and follow directions with consistency.
3. Can go up stairs
4. Can throw a ball overhand without falling.
5. drink from a cup and use utensils. She doesn't always get her food in her mouth, but she is trying.
6. hugs her stuffed animals
7. gets my attend by pulling on my hand.
8. Copies actives I do around the house. She loves to sweep, clean the floor, and comb her hair.
9. tries to color on a piece of paper with the tip of a crayon.
10. stacks blocks and can turn pages of a book.
11. points to things she wants and can point out a dog every time she sees one in a book or around the town.
12. uses some two word sentences like, "I go".
Eliza is very smart and has a fun personality. She is very coy around new people, and can be very stubborn. She loves her family and still has quite a desire me to carry her around every where.
We love you Eliza and are glad you are part of our family!!!
Mom & Dad