Sunday, September 5, 2010

Church History Summer 2010

Labor Day 2010
The culmination of our Church History Tour this summer.
We sure had a great summer. We enjoyed our time in Michigan and also enjoyed visiting so many
Church History Sites. Here is just a brief recap of our journey and of the Saints. I am sure I will miss some key points, but hopefully you will feel how awe inspiring it was to visit all of these places. The faith of the Pioneers of the Church was amazing. I am grateful to my Pioneer Ancestors. Both Eric and I have ancestor who crossed the plains in wagons. They sacrificed much, but ultimately received great blessings.
First Palmyra, NY where Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and where the gospel was restored. From the Church's organization in 1830 with only 6 member's it has grown to a world wide church of over 13 million members.
 The Sacred Grove

Joseph Smith's boyhood home
The Hill Cumorah Visitors Center

After the Church was established and the Book of Mormon was translated and printed the Saints suffered much persecution and traveled to Kirtland, OH.

While the Saints were there they built the Kirtland Temple. What a sacrifice in times of such poverty and personal sacrifice. The women smashed up their china to put in the plaster so the outside sparkled.
Once again they suffered from great persecution and had to flee.
What faith they had that the Lord would provide.

Then then went to Independence, MO. We didn't make it there this summer. Once again they were driven out. This time Gov Boggs wrote an extermination ordered and ordered the Saints leave or be killed. No religious freedom was found in MO. From they they traveled to Nauvoo, IL.

Nauvoo, IL

Many Saints gathered in Nauvoo from all across the world. They build a very prosperous city that was equal to Chicago at that time. They built a beautiful Temple. However, peace and prosperity didn't last again. They were driven out of their beautiful city during the middle of winter and crossed a frozen Mississippi river into Iowa and then moved to Winter Quarters, NE. It was a very hard time for most of the saints.
The Prophet Joseph Smith was also murdered during this time.

We drove though Winter Quarters and also Council Bluffs, Iowa which also play a part in this journey west. 

The next spring groups started to head west under the direction of Brigham Young into unknown territory .
They ended up in Salt Lake City, UT on July 24th.

It took 40 years to complete the Salt Lake City Temple.

It was a great faith promoting experience to visit so many Church History sites and think about the sacrifices and blessings of the Pioneers.
I am so grateful that Joseph Smith restored Christ Church on this Earth, and also so grateful to have received the blessing of being a part of it. I know it's true. I am so grateful for Temples and that they seal families together forever.