Sunday, September 26, 2010

More Fun with Pops and the Primary Program

Mom had to go home on Saturday morning, but Pops stayed around. He and Eric went golfing on Saturday and then we all went to the BYU vs Nevada football game. The game was kind of a bust. I am a little worried about BYU Football. It might be a losing season if we can't get it together. There were empty seats in the stadium. I don't remember the last time we went to a game with empty seats. Then Pops took us to Chinese food again. Gretta was in heaven! She LOVE Chinese food.Saturday night after the girls were a sleep he stayed with them so Eric and I could go out. Thanks Dad! 

 The best part of the football game was the cotton candy Pops bought Gretta!

Sunday he stayed to watch the Primary Program. Gretta was scared in the morning and didn't even want to go to church. Luckily she got over her stage fright and did a great job. All of the children did a great job. It was a wonderful program. 
Thanks Mom & Dad for coming to visit us. We sure had a fun time.

New dresses from Nana. Don't they look cute!