Monday, January 31, 2011

Gretta's 5 year well child check up

I took Gretta in for her well child check up today. 
Here are her stats:
Weight 47 lbs  80%
Height 45.5 inches  90%
BMI 16.5 which is 60%
She really wanted to be 48 inches tall so that when we go to Disneyland this month she can ride Indiana Jones. Maybe with big shoes and her ponytail on top of her head she can squeeze by, but most likely not. Oh well. 
She is doing great. She is right on track with her gross motor skills, social development and physical development. She is smart too! 
I can't believe she is going to go to kindergarten this fall! She is growing up too fast!
We love you Gretta!


bryceandjamie said...

I love your family picture at the top of your blog. Sounds like you are all doing well. Take care!