Monday, October 10, 2011

Home Preschool

Our at hour preschool
Since I started my job at Andrew's Eliza has been going to the preschool at Andrew's while I am at work. However they do most of the preschool things in the morning. She gets there in time for nap, snack, and outside play time. I also took her out of preschool at the YMCA because it just wasn't work with our schedule and she kept crying.  So I decided to start teaching her preschool at home.  One of my friends told me  about a preschool called Mother Goose Time. They send me a box at the beginning of every month (it looks like a school bus in the left corner of the picture) full of almost everything I need for the month and a list of other supplies and books to get. This month we have been learning about Oceans. Gretta and Eliza have both enjoyed it. It has also given us something fun to do together. I have a lesson plan that tells me what to do and all of the crafts are in bags ready to go. It's great.