Thursday, February 16, 2012

Eliza Parent Teacher Conference

Her teacher's comments on the back, "Awesome! Loved watching her study her pattern to figure out the next color!

 I didn't even know that Eliza could write her own name. She told her teacher that the "z" gives her problems.
Can count marshmallows to 49!
I went to Eliza's parent teacher conference on Thursday. She has only been going to this preschool since the beginning of January, but they recommenced she go to Pre- K next year. Having a big sister and being a little bit competitiveness has really given Eliza the edge. She wants to keep up with Gretta and also sits with us when Gretta does homework. She has really picked up a lot on her own. I haven't taught her how to write any letters or her name, so I was so surprised at what a great job she did. 
I am proud of you Eliza!