Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fun times in Boise

The girls had such a fun time in Boise. Gretta wanted my mom to call me to see if she could stay longer. I think it is because my mom was "Naughty" Nana and let Gretta stay up to 11:30 partying every night.

Gretta and Eliza enjoyed playing with Nana, Papa, Grandfather, and special visits by Aunt Jeanne Robison, Cousin Mary Robison and Cousin Emily Cavanagh. Gretta sure had plenty of people to entertain her.

Here is a list of some of the fun things they did:
Playing with Bailey and Wendi, a play date with Gabriella, swimming at the Racquet club, swimming at Grandpa's pool, swimming at Bob's house, going to the zoo, boating at Lucky Peak, riding bikes on the green belt, multiple parties, staying up to watch the 4th of July fireworks, reading books with Nana, taking care of the "kids" and just having tons of fun!!!
They were having to much fun to take to many pictures. Thanks Cousin Mary for the pictures!

Boating at Lucky Peak

Hanging out with Grandfather by the pool.
Thank you so much Nana & Papa for watching Gretta & Eliza. They had a great time and we had a fun time on our trip.
Thanks also for bring them back to LA for us. You guys are the best!!!