Monday, April 5, 2010

April 4th Easter Sunday & Our Own Easter Egg Hunt

The girls Easter Baskets



Eliza was the first one awake. I tried to keep her away, but that didn't last too long.

Then I didn't watch her too well and this is what happened...

I think she was digging through it to find the gum. She is obsessed with gum currently. She doesn't chew it, but eats it like candy and then begs for another piece. When you don't give it to her she has a huge melt down. We are on gum rationing at our house. She even tried to take a piece of gum out of my mouth once after I was chewing it she is so obsessed.
See her trying to bite the package open.
Then we looked outside and saw this... TONS OF SNOW! The day before it was beautiful outside.

The girls had a fun time playing in it with Dad.

Watching Conference as a family.

In between session we invited 3 other first year MBA families over for brunch. There were 8 adults and 11 kids. It was kind of crazy considering it was going to be nice outside and the kids could eat outside. The good news is the kids all played nicely together in the play room.

Gretta and Kenzie getting ready for the hunt.

Most of the snow had melted off by 1:00pm, so we braved having the hunt outside.

The kids all got about 10 eggs, so it was very successful.

Finding the golden egg

Saying good bye to our friends. We had a great time!

Mom feel sleep during the afternoon session and this was her wake up call.

Getting ready for bed Gretta bore her testimony. She wanted to also share her picture of President Monson. She was so excited every time he came on the screen during conference.
It was a wonderful Easter Sunday full of great messages, good friends and family. Most importantly it was wonderful to celebrate our Saviors Resurrection and know that He has risen.
I am grateful for my testimony of my Savior.
Happy Easter everyone!


anne said...

look at all that snow in April! eric, nice to see you recently. hope to introduce lucy to your girls sometime soon.- mike & anne