Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kindergarten shots

This picture is from today. The shots were yesterday.

So for lots of reasons I won't go into the BYU Student Health Center doesn't give the kids their immunizations at their well child check ups. You have to go the County Health Department to get them. Eric agreed to help me take the kids to get there shots. I know Eliza needed at least 3 shots, but wasn't sure how many Gretta would need to be up today for kindergarten.
It turns out that Eliza needed 3 and Gretta needed 6. Six is the maximum they will give a child on any day. I debated what to do because she hates shots so much. I decided to go for it and have her get all 6. I was afraid she would never go back. She told me she was going to be brave.
I am so sad I made that decision.
I had put EMLA cream on one of Gretta's arms and both of Eliza's thighs before we left home. I didn't have any occlusive dressing, so I just used band-aids. It doesn't work as well, but I figured something was better than nothing. Well I think I was wrong. The nurse was rude again about the EMLA cream. I had the some response last time. I think she purposely placed the shots around the site of the EMLA cream in Gretta's left arm. I can tell because I can see all of the injections sites in that arm because they are red and bruised, and they are AROUND where I put the cream. I have NEVER seen such bruising with immunizations before.
The picture doesn't even do it justice.
Luckily her left arm doesn't seem to be bothering her much. But I plan on writing the County Health Department a letter. In ALL my hears of nursing I have never seen someone give shots so horribly. First semester nursing students do a better job.
I am just glad Gretta doesn't need any more immunizations until she is 11 and Eliza until she is 4, so no more shots at the Utah County Health Department for us!


~ kietra ~ said...

Ooo no!! That looks awful!!! K-shots are hard enough as it is. Poor thing! :( Makes my arm hurt just looking at it. I hope recovery goes well... for everyone!

bryceandjamie said...

That looks painful! Poor girl! I hope she gets feeling better really soon.

suzi said...

I so dislike the Utah County Health Department. I especially hated having to take Izzie as a newborn...I was always afraid she would catch something. That place is freaky. Poor Gretta & Eliza.:( I am glad you never have to return there again.

Amanda said...

Oh No! I was wondering why her bruises were in funny places on her arm. I can't believe they gave you such a hard time. I would write that letter for sure!

Jessica Simonsen Howard said...

They do shots in the arm for little kids. I don't think any of my kids have had shots in their arms yet, only in their thighs. McCall somehow missed one and so she has to get one next week for Kindergarten in the fall. Shots stink, but it is so worth it.