Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Saying good bye to the Harts

This year we have been carpooling to preschool with the Harts. I shouldn't say carpooling because I only pick up on Tuesday afternoon, and Katie or her sister in law take and pick up on the other days. I got the best end of the deal! Caleb is in Gretta's class at preschool. Keller, his cousin, is a grade older. After I get the kids at Kids Village we swing by and pick Maddi up at Kindergarten. Gretta has really enjoyed getting to know and forming a friendship with Maddi & Caleb.
Their dad graduates from the MBA program this month. We will miss them and wish them success with their new adventures.
Gretta & Maddi at Maddi's Birthday/Going away party. Caleb didn't want his picture taken, so put in Gretta's class picture from school. Second on from the right in the middle row.