Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Eliza's Christmas Preschool Program

 Wednesday Eliza's preschool class had a program. The kids could either wear their PJ's or nice Christmas Outfits. Eliza wanted to wear her PJ's but when Eric dropped her off she was the only one in PJ's, so I brought her dress for the program. She put it over her PJ's. They sang three songs for us, "Jingle Bells", "Away in the Manger" and "With wondering Awe." Plus they each shared a Christmas tradition. Eliza told about making Santa Cookies and the Santa Party. We took Santa cookies to share too.
The girl to the right of Eliza is Jenna. Her dad is in the MBA program along with the Dad of the twin boys on the top row, Tanner & Reid.  Tanner & Reid's family will be moving to Kalamazoo, MI to work for Kellogg's, It will be fun to still be able to see them next year.
Eliza has really liked preschool.

With her jingle bell.