Thursday, April 7, 2011

MBASA Closing Social

Tonight was the MBASA (MBA Spouse Association) Closing Social at Timp Lodge up by Sundance.
I have really enjoyed my time in MBASA and have made some great friends. I have also learned a lot through education nights and craft activities. I think I have successfully created more crafts in the last 2 years than in any two years in my lifetime thanks to these wonderful girls.
I will really miss these girls as we all move all over the country in the next few months. Two who I didn't get any pictures of tonight (Cherity Anderson, and Elizabeth Christensen will be close to use in Michigan) The rest will be all over the US from CA to NY. It will be fun to have friends all over the country, but sad to live apart from such a great group of friends. 
Thanks so much for everything!

Melissa Linggenbrink, me, Becky Russell, Janessa Resse, Cassi Capell, Holly Hancey

 Cheryl Williams (who is also my neighbor), Leslie Cuppett, me, Holly Clegg
 Summer Kaufman, Holly, me and Alicia Schick
 The whole second year group.
 me, Lori Conran
 me, Natalie Shirts
 me, Leslie Cuppett (Our husbands served on MBAA together. Plus I preceptor for her best friend as an NP student last year at the SHC.)
me, Jenn Burgon, Holly Clegg
 (We went to Jerusalem 14 years ago together! Isn't that crazy!!!)