Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Gretta's First Day of Kindergarten- Off to school

Gretta was so excited for Kindergarten today that she was ready 2 hour early. She even got up and took her own shower. I helped her blow dry and curl her hair (Which she usually won't let me do.) and painted her nails. She was so excited about the new outfit Nana sent. 
Here she is waiting at her afternoon bus stop at 12:20. At the noon pick up they pick her up right at our drive way. 
Eliza was quite sad that Gretta was going to leave her for the whole afternoon. She is sad about the whole thing. We had mom- Eliza time, but I am not quite as fun as Gretta.
Eric even made it home to see her off. 
Eliza making sure she got one last "huggy kissy" 

She got right on and never looked back. She sat behind the driver with her friend from church, Maren. 
I can't believe she is so old and grown up!