Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hanging out with Daddy

Saturday I attended a 5 Stake Regional Leadership training for Relief Society in Lansing most of the day, so it turned into a daddy-daughter date for Eric and the girls. The training was really good. Sister Barbara Thompson from the Relief Society General Presidency spoke to us. I also ran into April Shipley who was a great friend from age 3-11. I didn't know she was in Michigan. She moved here in February. She lives about 4 hours north of me, but it was still fun to run into her. 
It was a Spirit filled meeting.
Saturday turned into a nice day and Eric took the kids to play at the beach and go to the beach Kids' Museum. I guess every time the girls would swing up high they would say, "This is the best day ever". So I think they had fun with Eric. 

Gretta loves to put on my shoes and show off. 

Saturday night he took them over to a friends house to watch the first 1/2 of the BYU football game. Go Cougars! To bad the game didn't turn out great, but they sure had fun anyway.