Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 5th Sleeping Bear Dunes

The Minivans invade Sleeping Bear Dunes. If you look closely this also happens to be our sleeping quarters for the night of July 4th after a severe thunderstorm flooded our tent. The girls and Eric slept in the Honda Minivan. Ada slepted in the Dodge and Gretchen braved the outdoors lying on the air mattress in the rain-soaked tent. Intense!

Here is our gear hung up to get dried out. The sun did help the drying process. But, we eventually took matters into our own hands and went to the dryer at a laundromat!

More gear strewn across the ground to dry out. 

It's kind of hard to see in this picture, but, there were several inches of water at the bottom of the tent that kept all the gear basically floating around! 

Ada catching some rays on the shores of Lake Michigan. You can't get this back in Hong Kong! 

A family of Mermaids and Mer-men we found on the shores of Lake Michigan. Gretta is 2nd from the right. Eliza is in the tube on the top left :)

Playing in the Conran's hammock. Amazingly, no one rolled out and broke an arm!

Best buds! Who wants to do this again next year?? 

It was so wet we had to dry out our air mattresses!