Monday, August 20, 2012

Gretta and her sisters

We are really going to miss Gretta when she goes back to school. I am so sad that she is going to be gone form 8:00am to 4:10pm everyday!!!! I was so depressed when the school calendar came out to realize how few days she gets off between now and Christmas and then from Christmas until the end of the school year. I love that she has the whole month of June, July and August off, but just wish she got home at 2:30 or even 3:30 instead of 4:10 everyday. Gretta is such a delightful child. It has been so much fun to see her and Eliza play and play and play all summer. They have great imaginations. I also love having a basement for them to play and play and play in. They love to play house, doctors and jump on their trampoline. 
Eliza loves to play with Gretta too. 
Today they let Carli play with them. Gretta made a bookstore in her bed. 
Gretta is such a good big sister. She love Eliza and loves to play with her. Gretta also love to play with her friends. She is most excited to go back to school to see all of her friends. She can't wait to find out who her teacher is going to be and who will be in her class. She really wants one of the blonde teachers. Lets hope she gets what she wants. Gretta loves to learn and has started really being able to read. She is also very good at math. 

Gretta I love you so much!!!

Gretta - I cannot believe you are about to start first grade. It seems like only yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital on New Year's Day. Ever since you have been a party animal! You have turned into the sweetest daughter imaginable. Your mom and I count our blessings every day that Heavenly Father sent you to our family. Today, you came and watched me play beach volleyball. I hope that some day we can make beach volleyball a family activity that we can all play together. That would be a lot of fun. 



Eliza avoids taking pictures, so she is hiding.