Friday, November 9, 2012

Bus stop

There has been a lot of drama over the bus stop for our neighborhood. We have had two bus stops for a long time. We asked if they could move one of the bus stops into the neighborhood and even had a meeting about it with the whole transportation department. Instead of just moving the one bus stop in they took away the other bus stop too. Craziness!!!! We have over 30 kids who ride the bus in our neighborhood   We spend a lot of energy trying to help them realize that this plan wasn't going to work, but that is actually what I think they wanted to happen. I think they wanted to let us know that we better not having any great ideas for improvement. Lots of drama! Lets just say that I feel like the School District is just reminding us who is really in charge of our children for 8 hours a day. It hasn't been a faith promoting experience for me to believe if public education. 
So this is the temporary new stop. Don't you think this craziness deserves two if not three bus stops?!?!