Thursday, November 29, 2012

Carli 8 months

Carli 8 months!
Carli is growing up way to fast! She is such a delightful baby. She is so sweet and puts up with so much "love" from her sisters. 
Carli loves...
her binky bear she sleeps with. 
to play with books
to play her blocks and cups. 
 to bang things together.
to jump up and down in the jumparoo.
to sit at the table with us when we eat dinner.
has 2 teeth on the bottom and is working on a few more. 
to play peek a boo.
doesn't like to be left a lone in a room and makes sure I am close by.
to play with her toes.
to charm everyone she meets with her beautiful smile and big blue eyes.

Her hair is coming in blonde, but it is very soft and wispy.
She is a very easy baby to put to sleep and continues to be a good sleeper.
Finally started solid foods and likes vegetables better than fruit. 

We love you Carli and are so happy you are part of our family!

We love you Carli!!! It was hard to get a good picture of her because she was to interested in the sign.