Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Getting ready...

Eric was able to go with me to take Carli to U of M for her surgery to get her cleft palate repaired. She ended up having a 1 pm surgery time which I wasn't super excited about, but turned out okay. I was worried about her not being able to eat for so long before. She was a trooper.
She had been sick the week before and to make sure she was all better in time for surgery her pediatrician started her on antibiotics. She broke out in a rash the day before surgery and then once they put the surgery gown on her the hives came back anywhere the gown touched. For a minute it looked like they might postpone surgery due to her allergic reaction, but they decided to go ahead any way. 
I don't remember being nervous about Gretta's surgery, but was really nervous about Carli's. It didn't help she had hives all over her. 
I was so glad that my mom came to take care of the other girls and that Eric was able to drive to U of M with me. 
I also found comfort in that Dr. Buchman trained with Dr. Andersen, but it's still hard to have your child undergo surgery. Especially since we had such a great outcome with Gretta's and I really wanted the same good outcome. The surgery nurse in me know that it doesn't always go as well as planned. If Dr. Buchman had his way he would have had us wait until she was 18 months. He agreed to do it early because we are moving to Brazil, but I was hoping that wouldn't cause a problem too. Gretta had hers at 11 1/2 months, but Carli's chin hasn't grown out as fast. 
The surgery pre op waiting area has a toy room. Carli enjoyed playing with the toys while we waited.