Wednesday, May 15, 2013


She made it! The surgery took about 4 hours. The surgery went well and they think it should be successful. It was a little more complicated that expected and they had to do some more work around where the soft palate and the hard palate meet. I guess it was a bit tricky. He used a technique he doesn't do all of the time, and is actually always done by Dr. Mann in Grand Rapids. I picked Dr. Buchman because I didn't want that procedure done, and it got done anyways. I am  hopefully it all turns out okay. Of course I wan't them to say it went perfect, but time will only really tell. We won't know for sure until she starts to speak more. The quality of the repair has to do a lot with her ability to make certain sounds and what her voice quality will be. But for now they said it was Successful. They video taped it for Dr. Buchman to show at a conference. We knew they were going to do that. He said she is going to be a Star. To bad no one will ever see her cute face, just the inside of her mouth. . The worst part of the whole thing was her coming out of anesthesia in the recovery room. She was very feisty and ticketed off. She pulled one of her IVs out in seconds flat and kept trying to pull the nasal trumpet out of her noes. Luckily Eric was able to calm her down. It was a rough 2 hours, but by the time we got to her room around 7 pm. Things were much better.
She actually had a pretty good first night and we were able to go home the next day. 
Our care at the U of M Children's hospital was excellent.