Saturday, June 29, 2013

Carli 15 months

Here are some notes I wrote about Carli at 15 months.

Strong willed! She has already thrown  her first temper tantrum. She threw her head back and screamed because I wouldn't give her what she wanted.
Is walking everywhere. I haven't seen her crawl in a long time.
Has to have something in both hands while eating. Wants to feed herself now.
So happy to be eating solid foods again

Good report from Dr Buchman. There might be a little hole in the back right side of her palate, but we won't really know how it all turned out until she is talking more. I haven't seen food come out her noes for a long time, so that is a good sign. 
Wearing hearing aids more and can sure get them off fast
Words. On mama night night ( but it doesn't sound like that yet) hi and lots of grunts
22 lbs 12 oz
33 inches
18 1/2 head circumference
Sleeps from 8:30 to 7:30 - 8:30 everyday. One long nap but mostly because its easier for the family schedule
Super flexible 
Super social loves to go down the rows at church and say hi to everyone 
Has her bottom one year molars.
She has gotten tons of teeth- Now has 8 on bottom and 6 on top.
Curious and seems to be doing things my other kid didn't do, but  all of those things you hear about kids doing, but I didn't believe they did. Got into the window cord and wrapped it around her neck while at Family Camp. Tried to put keys in the electrical outlet. Loves to put her hands on the wheel of the Phil and Ted Stroller. Gets mad if you take her hands away Trying to climb up her sisters bunk bed ladder. Loves to bit for attention.
Loves to do what ever her big sisters are doing. 
She needs constant supervision!
Has a smile that will melt your heart!
We love you Carli! We are so happy you came to our family. 