Friday, June 28, 2013

U of M

Carli and Gretta had appointments with ENT and Carli had an appointment with Plastics, so the whole family got to go to U of M. It turned out to be kind of a crazier than even planned trip because we were going to drive over and spend the night after in Detroit and then go to the Lions Family Camp for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Kids in Lapeer, MI the next day. But on Wednesday I decided to take the car in for an oil change and to check the breaks an it turned out the breaks were worse than I expected. So we ended up diving a loner car over to U of M and back on Thursday. Meeting with our landlords Thursday night and then driving back across the State to the Camp on Friday. The kids really were troopers in the car especially since the DVD player is broken too. 

The good news is that the appointments went well and we don't have to go back for over 6 months. There is still a part of Carli's palate repair that is questionable, but only time will tell. 
U of M has a family center. Carli enjoyed riding on the dinosaur. Gretta and Eliza enjoyed going to a siblings camp in the afternoon while Carli went to see the Plastic Surgeon.