Sunday, June 23, 2013

Gretta's First Over Night Girl Scout Camp

Gretta was lucky enough to get to go to sleep over Girl Scout Camp this year. There are only 5 Daisy's her age, so they will join up with Elizabeth Voglewede's Brownie troop next year. It was decided to help them get to know the Brownies more they could come to the sleep over camp Elizabeth was planning. Gretta was so excited. Gina Cole her co-leader from his year took her up along with her daughter Gracie, who is Gretta's age. It was Friday and Saturday night. I was wondering how she would do away from us for 2 nights, but she did awesome and loved it! We also got a nice report from her leader that she was a joy to have at camp. Way to go Gretta!
She also got her new Brownie uniform for next year and is so excited to be advancing.