Saturday, June 22, 2013

Lemonade Stand

The girls got this Lemonade Stand for Christmas. They have been begging to have a lemonade sale. I thought it would be good timing for them to sell lemonade during our Neighborhood Garage Sale. 
They were so excited to set everything up, but then once they started working the stand it got boring rather quick! Eliza was mad that not everyone who walked passed bought lemonade and they were bored waiting. I think they had fun for 20 minutes and then were bored for 20 minutes and begging me to let them go inside. We had a talk about how hard work is!
I think they only sold 5 cups. They were pretty disappointed. They haven't begged anymore to do a lemonade stand.  I think it was a good lesson for them to learn how hard it is to earn money.