Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back to School Ice Cream Social

The girls were so excited to attend their back to school ice cream social and meet their new teachers and play on the new playground equipment. Unfortunately  the playground wasn't read and safe to play on which was pretty sad, but we still had a good time seeing old friends and meeting their brand new teachers.
I also took some pictures of the courtyard. For our Ward Day of Service we helped with 3 other families from our ward clean it out, weed, and put down new mulch. It turned out nice.
Gretta has Ms. Adams and Eliza has Ms. Etter. They are both brand new out of college! I don't know what to expect, but the girls were excited to have such cute teachers.
The PTO did a great job with the event and the kids enjoyed the ice cream as well as the St. Joe Bear Tattoo's.
Eliza also got to check out her classroom and the bus too. She is so excited to ride the bus with Gretta!!!!