Monday, August 5, 2013

Fun Athalon- Journey into the Wilderness

The Stake Relief Society Presidency organized a Laurel/ Relief Society High Adventure activity for this last weekend. Friday morning bring and early Amy Barfuss and I drove to Whitehall/Montague and meet up with the biking group. We biked 23 miles on the Hart/ Montague trail. It is an old rail road line that they tore up and paved. It was a beautiful ride. I told everyone I wasn't going to ride the whole 23 miles, but I ended up making it. Luckily I was able to borrow a nice bike or I would have never made it. 
Friday afternoon we went back to camp and enjoyed making crafts, playing games, and eating a delicious dutch over dinner followed by a evening devotional. 
I slept in a tent with my MBA friends, Elizabeth Christensen & Melissa Bennett,who live in the Kalamazoo 1st ward. 
Our ward had a good turn out for the event- Bishop Randell, Tonja Randell (who planned most of it), Tara and Taylor Randell, Celeste Randell, Amy Barfuss, Amberley Reever, Amanda Tew, Shawna Madsen, President and Sister Witt, Carma Smith, Natalie Tippets, and Jennie Chauppis. 
Saturday we kayaked for 3.5 hours down the White River. 
Thanks Eric for watching the kids! It was a fun girls weekend.