Friday, September 27, 2013

And so it begins...

After months of waiting on our visa we are finally headed to Sao Paulo this Thursday night. We have known since March that we would be going, so it's been been a long 7 months of waiting. It's kind of strange after all of this waiting that the time has finally come. We are making final preparations to week and are looking forward for this big adventure to start. 
Going to Brazil is Eric's third rotation in his FLDP(Finance Leadership Development Program) for Whirlpools. The original assignment was for us to come to Brazil from July to Dec for him to work on a special project. Due to our visa delay they said we could stay for 6 months once we arrived, but some other news has changed those plans to! I am pregnant with TWINS and due March 27th. I wasn't worried about having a baby in Brazil. Everyone I know who has had a baby in São Paulo raves about what a great experience they had, but TWINS is a bit of a different story. So our plan was once again revised and right now the plan is to stay in Brazil until the end of Jan and fly home when I am 32 weeks pregnant. 
Being pregnant is also going to decrease the amount of travel we do while here. We had wanted to go to Chile at Christmas, but now I am not sure that is going to happen. I do really want to go to Rio and to Iguazu Falls. Manaus is also high on the list, but I think we are going to be lucky to check out SP and Rio. 
Hopefully this blog will help everyone catch a glimpse of our adventure.