Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day of School - 2013 - Eliza Kindergarten and Gretta 2nd

The girls were so excited to start school!!! They picked out their own back to school outfits, and got themselves all ready. I made a check list of things to do in the morning, and it has been super helpful. I drove them today because I helped with Kindergarten Line  Up. It was fun to get to school a little early and see all of our friends arrive. 
The kids go to the back of the school and put their back packs in line where their classes lines up and then go out and play on the playground. Most of the kindergartners just stayed in line, since it was the first day and they didn't know what else to do, but not Eliza. She followed Gretta straight out to the playground. 
I helped walk her class in, so I snapped a picture of her sitting at her desk. No tears. She was very brave. 
She told me on Monday she was only going the first day of school and then would think about going back depending on how Day #1 went. Well I am happy to report when I picked her up she was excited to go back tomorrow. 
Morning drop off went well. Then Carli and I ran some errands and were bored by 10:30. We sure missed Gretta & Eliza. 
I took a nap while Carli was napping and forgot to set an alarm. I woke up to my friend calling who I was suppose to help her get the kindergartners back on the bus after school, but I didn't wake up until 4:10. I hurried and called the office and went and picked them up from the office. They were so sad I forgot them and that they didn't get to ride the bus. We went to Dairy Queen after to make up for it. 
I am sure it will be a story that is funnier in the future than it was today. 
Today I felt like an Epic Failure of a Mom. Who falls asleep and forgets to pick their kids up?!?
The sure looked sad when I got to the office finally to get them.