Sunday, April 13, 2008

Beat the Bishop Race

This Saturday our ward sponsored the Beat the Bishop Race at the Rose Bowl. The first picture is of Gretta on the way to the race in her car seat. She wanted her sunglasses and she put them on herself. I couldn't help but take a picture it was so cute.
The next picture is of Gretta and Eric before the race. I am sad I didn't get an after. Eric won first place in the "stroller pushing" category. The whole way Gretta was yelling, "faster, daddy, faster!!!" Way to go!


Shelley said...

Gretchen, did you get a Phil and Ted? Are you liking it? I am quite sure that's what I want, but I want feedback from some people who have one. Call me sometime and we'll chat.

Ie Li said...

I'm sad I didn't make it to the beat the bishop race. Oh well. I'm not a real South Pasadenian anymore.