Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The value of a dollar

You would think having a banker as a Dad might better help you understand the value of a dollar. Well it hasn't happened yet with Gretta. It is just a good thing she is only two, and the bill you see in the picture was only a dollar bill.
Gretta loves money. However, she still hasn't quite figured out that bills are also money. When she asks for money she usually wants a quarter to put in the candy machine, or into a ride at the store.
Well she got a card today in the mail from Nana wishing her "Get Well Soon" because she has had a little cold. In the card was a dollar bill. Usually I just take the dollar bill, and put it in her piggy bank for her, but today I gave it to her and tried to get her to put it in herself. She didn't want to put it in right away and told me that she wanted to play with it for a while. I figured nothing bad would happen. (That is where I went wrong.) She just keep carrying it around the house saying, "money". When I noticed she didn't have it with her I asked her what happened and she said, "I ate it". I didn't really think that she did until I went to the family room and saw this on the floor. I am still not sure if she ate any of it, but I do know it was hard to tell it was even a dollar bill because she had torn it into so many small pieces. I guess I learned my lesson today... I should just put in her piggy bank for her next time, and wait until she is a little older to learn the value of money.


Unknown said...

I'm excited I found your blog. Gretta is beautiful. You can check us out at Isn't blogging the greatest??

Rob, Adrienne, Sam, Ada and Tony said...

How funny! Be careful she doesn't grab your wallet next!

Melissa Marilyn said...

Classically funny! I hope you are doing great!

mistyp said...

Ada and I got a good laugh out of that picture! I agree with keeping your wallet/checks away from her! Keep us posted on how you're doing. Ada is having a great time meeting up with friends. Talk to you later.

Shelley said...

Good grief, Gretta is strong. It's hard to tear money.

Jessica Simonsen Howard said...

Cute, that is really funny. By the way I tagged you in my blog so visit my blog to get instructions.

Sara said...

That is too funny!