Thursday, April 24, 2008

Nana Carolyn's Visit

One of the best perks having Eliza is that my mom came to visit for a few days. I enjoyed her visit, but was at the hospital for most of it. The person who REALLY enjoyed her visit was Gretta. Gretta LOVES Nana. When we picked Nana up she said, "I am so happy to see you!" Nana did a lot of fun things with Gretta. She took her to Kidspace with Grandma Linda. They went to the store and then Gretta helped her make lots of different things. Gretta loves to help in the kitchen and to wear her apron. Nana also is very talented at braiding Gretta's hair and Gretta loves to look beautiful. It was a fun short visit and Gretta can't wait for her to come back. Gretta also wanted to know where Aunt Anna, Uncle Gabe and Pops where because they usually come as a package. She is going to have to wait until May to see the whole gang.
Nana thanks for coming!!!


mistyp said...

That's always the worst when grandparents have to go. You're lucky you still have family close though! ;)