Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Early Birthday Preschool Celebration

Due to Gretta's team visit at Children's LA this Thursday, and the Christmas festivities next Tuesday we had to celebrate Gretta's birthday a little bit early at preschool. She didn't mind one bit! Last night we set out to make cup cakes for her class. Gretta wanted to be part of the action! She put on her new red tutu and got right to work. While I was busy looking for the regular color baking cups she opened the 4th of July ones and put them in the cup cake pan all by herself. Then said, "Lets make Barack Obama Cupcakes." Where did this child come from? Luckily I found the regular color backing cups, although I don't think 3 year olds care much what the baking cup a cup cakes comes in looks like. But I was glad when I found the regular baking cups which she then separated into color, and only wanted to use the pink ones of course!

Here she is showing off her creation the Barack Obama cupcake.

Gretta wanted to take some pictures too. Here is the only one that turned out of the cake mix.

The finished project.

Looks better than Sprinkles, and cheaper of course!

Gretta had a great time sharing her treat, and celebrating her birthday today.They do a good job at making each child feel special.

Here is her right after we got home wearing her special crown and showing offer her left overs. She saved one for Eric, me, Eliza, and of course herself.

Happy Early 3rd Birthday Gretta!!!


Allie said...

Your girls are so cute! I got a text the other day asking me to call you because you were having a rough time. I didn't get it until later, but just wanted to check on you. From your blog it looks like all is well, but are you okay? I would love to catch up with you one of these days. Do you ever drive through St. George?

aaron and meg facer said...

That girl is adorable! I can't believe she wanted to make Obama cupcakes--hilarious!

You'll have to thank Gretta for making me smile.