Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Eliza 10 Months

Eliza turned 10 months old on February 17, 2009 while we were in Hawaii. Here is a belated photo shoot. I think we might have a problem getting the rest of the pictures with the sign next it her. She was defiantly more instead in the sign than smiling for the pictures. Oh well.

How does it taste?

Here is a picture of the sign because you can't read it in any of the other pictures.

"Mom, I can still see it."

"Can you see it?"

Gretta getting into the action too.

Interesting facts about Eliza at 10 months.
Eliza ...
1. weights about 23.4 lbs.
2. can now officially crawl.
3. is also cruising and pulling her self up.
4. plays peek-a-boo.
5. likes to imitate the sounds her big sister makes.
6. claps.
7. put her own pacifier in her mouth.
8. feed herself peas, chicken, beans, bread, bananas, strawberries, and anything else you put in front of her.
9. has 3 top teeth and 4 bottom teeth.
10. loves to grind her teeth together and make her mom cringe. at her big sister.
12. steals her sisters blankie.
13. had a great time with her cousin Jackson, Nana & Papa, Aunt Anna & Uncle Gabe in Hawaii.
We love you Eliza! You are growing up to fast.