Saturday, February 28, 2009

Swimming with Sharks

My dad has been talking about going "swimming" with the sharks in Hawaii for year, but we haven't gotten around to going. This year Eric and I went with him. It was so cool! We had a great time. I wasn't scared the whole time we were out on the boat, but when I looked at the pictures it made me realize it might have been scarier than I realized. The sharks seem really tame. They have been conditioned that the sound of the diesel motor means food, and come right up to the boat. We also saw at least 3 humpback whales. So it was a great trip all in all.

Before we left with all 10 fingers and toes.

In the cage.

A feeding frenzy.

The shark swimming between the gage and the boat.

See how close they are to us. I swear they were looking right at us.


Rob, Adrienne, Sam, Ada and Tony said...

That look so scary. I'm glad you 3 made it with all of your fingers and toes still.