Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gretta's 3 trips to Ko Olina

Gretta is one spoiled child. I won't even tell you how many times she has been to Hawaii, but it is way to many considering she is only three.

She has now been to Ko Olina with my parents three times. Look how much she has changed...

Her first trip was when she was only 1 month old. She actually had only been out if the NICU for 2 weeks. What were we thinking??? We were suppose to go on a cruise to Hawaii, but they won't let babies less than 6 months old on a cruise ship. My mom said they were just going to leave us at home, but thanks to my sister petition her for us they decided to include us and she found Ko Olina. Now we have a Snyder "thing".

January 2006

age 1 month old

January 2007
age 13 months

Jack, Carolyn, Gretta, Gabe & Jackson, Anna, Gretchen, Eliza and Eric

February 2009

Gretta age 3


Jessica Simonsen Howard said...

What a fun time. I want to go back to Hawaii so bad. Wish it was more affordable.