Friday, February 26, 2010

Welcome Charlie Rainbow 81!

Gretta has been begging me for a pet for a while. She really wants a dog. I wouldn't mind getting a dog too. Our landlords even said that was okay. The only problem is what would we do with a dog this summer, and after MBA school is we end up some place we can't have a dog. Plus they are a lot of work! If someone gave me the perfect dog (one that is house trained, loves kids and plays well with them, and doesn't shed) I might be interested.
Well one of the MBA mom's posted this week on the google group she was giving away a fish bowl and all of the stuff for a fish, but the fish. PERFECT! I emailed her and we went and picked the stuff up Thursday night. Gretta really wanted to go get a fish that night, but it was late. I had the babysitter go to Walmart with her on Friday morning and they came home with...
Charlie Rainbow Eight-one
He is a blue Beta Fish.
I hope he last a week! So far Gretta over feed him so much I had to change the water. Now I am the only one who gets to feed him.
We have to keep reminding Eliza she can't stick her hand in the water or move the bowl. Gretta told Eliza, " You causing it an Earthquake." When Eliza kept moving the bowl around. Gretta named him all by herself.

Welcome Charlie!