Saturday, February 12, 2011

Annie Erickson' Baby shower

When Eric and I were first married Jon & Annie Erickson lived in our ward. Annie wanted to have a baby more than anything. She suffered a miscarriage while we were in that ward and was devastated.
When we moved to California we kept in touch as facebook friends, and she would always post about how they wanted to adopt. It just broke my heart because they are two of the world's nicest people. Then when we moved back to Provo Jon & Annie were in our ward again.  I found out that an adoption had fallen through in the past and then this Christmas she announced she was pregnant. It was a miracle! No fertility treatment or anything. You have to read her blog post about it... here

Everyone is so excited for them. So another girl, Suzanne, who was in that same ward 6 years  ago and also is an MBA wife, helped me throw a shower for her. We invited all of our old friends from the 199th ward. We sure had a great time.


Suzanne made these amazing cookies!!!

Annie (guest of honor) on the left. The other two girls I don't remember

Micheal Cooms
Camilla Wilson and Sara Stiles
Jenny Fosdick, Melissa  Orsack  Suzanne Blair (the host)

We sure had a fun time!