Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Disneyland with the Robsion Cousins- Feb 8, 2011

Wednesday we went to Disneyland with the Robison cousins. Linda was so nice to take us. We sure had a fun day. There were barely any lines and Eliza is getting old enough to really think it is fun. 
 We got there before the park was open and waited in line to run to Nemo. We barely waited in line for the ride. Eliza thought it was a little bit scary, but still had a fun time.
Gretta on Space Mountain

It's a Small World. Always a hit!
Visiting our favorite "Cars"

Gretta & Linda
Maya Rush
Marissa Rush
Amanda Rush
Gretta & Gretchen

Jeff and Linda were nice enough to take the girls on this ride. Linda bought a poncho and stayed dry except for her sock and Gretta and Maya had a contest to see who could get the wettest. Luckily I had an extra pain of cloths for Gretta because she was soaked. They sure had a fun time!
Marissa Rush

Getting Ready for "Toy Story"
We were lucky and didn't wait in line very long for this one too.

I think Eliza rode the carousel at least 5 times.
Linda took Gretta on California Screaming. She LOVED it! I went to take her again and they got her out of the seat and checked her height and she was 3 inches to short to ride the ride. She was so sad!!! She is truly a dare devil. She cried because they wouldn't let her do it again. She is going to have to wait until she is 48 inches tall.
I then took her back to Linda at the Carousel and went by myself. It goes upside down. I can't believe Gretta wasn't scared by that.

Meeting Woody. We actually got in line to see Jessie, but missed her. Gretta really wants a Jessie doll.

Jeff, Marissa, James, Amanda, Gretta & Gretchen at dinner

Eliza's favorite ride!
I also ran into a girl I was in Sorority at Ricks with in line for Dumbo. It is always a small world!

We finished off the night with "A world of Color" which was amazing.
Then we met up with Aunt Jeanne and Mary at the Pool. I figured they didn't want a picture of them in their swim suits on the blog. It was fun to see my cousins.
It was a great trip to Disneyland. I just love Disneyland!!!
Linda, Thanks so much for taking us!
We also had a great trip to So Cal. The weather was wonderful and the company was great.