Saturday, February 5, 2011

Papa Herb Goodrich's 92nd Birthday Party- Feb 5, 2011

 Papa's actually birthday is Feb 6th, but due to the Super Bowl they had his birthday party on Saturday. It was a big event. This was the 7th birthday party I have attended for Papa's birthday and the numbers are dwindling. One of his best friends actually passed away on the Thursday before the party and the women now way out number the men. I guess that's what happens when you live to 92! It was a great affair!
Gretta sang "Tomorrow" and "Zip it tea do dah" all by herself and did a great job! She is turning into quite the performer.The sad news is that Eliza was still sick and slept through most of the party. Hopefully sleeping through the whole party helped her not spread her germs to the guests. She just didn't get to see much of Chip & Kathy Goodrich, Eric's Uncle & Aunt, it was the first time she had met them.
PS. The weather was great!!!

 Papa blowing out his candles.

 Gretta helped served the guests cake.
 She also enjoyed getting chased by the 11 year old around the yard.

 The Goodrich Family

 After the party we sang Karaoke. Once again Gretta stole the show. She would do even better if she could read the words!

 Gretta & Eliza with Papa Goodrich