Thursday, March 29, 2012

Welcome Carli Grace Fors

 Eric and I drove up to Grand Rapids on March 29th early in the morning. I was suppose to be at the hospital at 6:00am. We were a little late, but they didn't seem to upset. In fact I felt like we sat around and waited for a long time. It took until around 8am for them to get me all hooked up and ready to go. I was already 4 cm, so I thought it would be a faster induction that either Gretta or Eliza, but her head was way high and they couldn't break my water until around 2:30pm. She had a short cord that was causing her to have a difficulty to descend. I think that was a blessing because I made it to 4 cm with her head sky high. If she had been right on my cervix I think I would have had her early and had to deliver her at the small hospital here in town. So I think it was a huge blessing. That was my biggest worry.  I got my epidural right before they broke my water and once they did that it didn't take too long. Carli was born at 5:22pm.
She weighted 8 lbs 10 oz and was 19 3/4 inches long.
She looked so big! Eliza was only 7 lbs and Gretta was 5 lbs 15 oz.
It is always so amazing to realize that tiny human was really living inside of you. They put her on my chest and it was love at first site. After a few pictures they whisked her away to check on her and found that she did have a cleft palate and was having a little trouble breathing. Eric went with her to the NICU. It is always sad to see your baby taken away to the NICU. I was so glad we went through with the plan to have her born in Grand Rapids even though it wasn't the easiest plan. I am so grateful that Nana Carolyn arrived the same day to help take care of Gretta & Eliza while we were in Grand Rapids.
I am also grateful the labor and delivery went smoothly.