Gretta didn't have School today. They gave the teachers a day to figure out all of the new State Math requirements. It was so nice to have her home!!!! Eliza and I loved every minute of it. It was so much fun to see them play, and play and play in the morning. They are such good friends. It is so lonely for Eliza to have Gretta at school all day. She asks me everyday for a play date with someone.
I offered to take the kids to the Science and Industry Museum in Chicago, or Airzoo in Kalamazoo or to the mall in South Bend and they picked the mall! Is that crazy!!!
They wanted Panda Express for lunch and then we walked around the mall.
Eliza ended up getting a Build a bear. I realized she had never made one and really wanted one. Gretta has been playing with her Girl Scout Bear a lot lately, so Eliza really wanted one of her own. The bear isn't the expensive part of the store!!! She she ended up getting a dog she named Isabella. She really enjoyed the experience.
Going to the mall was fun but it didn't make me feel like I need to drive 40 minutes again anytime soon to go to the mall. I guess I am really turning into a small town girl. Plus I felt pretty fortunate that I only ended up buying a build a bear for Eliza. The girls (especially Gretta) were begging for a lot of things. Gretta wanted more clothes and shoes. I think we are going to be in trouble when she is a teenager.
Doesn't she look so excited!!!
She sure loves Panda Express!!! Eliza didn't want her picture taken.