Sunday, September 23, 2012

And then there were 7

We enjoyed watching the Christensen kids for the day while Mike and Elizabeth enjoyed a little get away before baby #5 arrives. My girls sure love their kids. We had a great time in spite of the weather. 
Friday night Eric helped them make Smores outside. It rained a little bit, but not enough to dampen the fun. It is really fun to have 7 kids. You should see the looks we got going places. Especially since they are all 6 and under! 
We sure had a great time and can't wait for the kids to come back and play again. 

Saturday after playing at home all morning we went to the kids movie at the local theater and then to the Kid's Museum and Carousel. The Conran's joined us too. 

Eric playing with fire and impressing the kids!
Dinner Friday night