Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bike Riding at the Santa Monica with the Fors

Good bye Brittany!!! This picture was taken just before Brittany left for the airport. This might be the only time this summer that we are all together. Here is the whole gang.
Darron, Eliza, Eric, Papa, Gretta Gretchen, Brittany, Linda, Dennis, Allison and Rod.

Saturday morning we all went to the Dragon Faire and then in the afternoon we went Bike riding at Santa Monica. The first bike shop wouldn't rent us trailers because he said it was too windy. Maybe we should have believed him. We ended up going further down the pier and renting one trailer and one bike with a kid seat. I took Gretta on the bike with the seat and Eric pulled Eliza. On the way back Gretta wanted to be in the trailer too. It was really WINDY. They got sand blown in on them and it was really hard for Eric to pull the trailer. It is a good thing he goes to spin class. It was quite the adventure. We are glad we all lived through it. Rod's wheel broke too, so he also had a tough time getting the bike back.

Rod's sister Christina also came with us.

P.S. These picture were taken before the whole adventure began.